Labradorite Tumbled Stone


Labradorite Tumbled Stone - Glova
Labradorite Tumbled Stone £15.63

About: Labradorite Stone helps to purify your energy and connect you with the energy of light. Having Labradorite in your space creates an energetic shield that protects your aura and strengthens your personal energy supply. Labradorite Palmstone helps you to unfold your true-life purpose and uncover your destiny. 

Labradorite is a dark and moody stone mostly in shades of charcoal, grey and brown with stunning flashes of peacock glistening when the light hits the crystal at the right angle. The peacock flash can come in a mixture of many colors including blue, green, purple and gold. 
Palm stones are excellent for crystal healing and make it easy to carry your favorite crystal with you. Palm stones are designed to fit into the palm of your hand and have a lovely tactile shape. They can be used in lots of ways and are beautiful enough to display at home. Lay these palm stones on the skin, use them focus energy, carry them with you or simply hold the stone to feel its energy


  • Weight: 100g
  • Size: 5x5cm/2″x2″


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